Post the Tenth - The Project Continuum

Yesterday I posted a picture of the fountain outside of Marine Drive. It looked like this:

Today, however, as I walked past on the way to class, it looked like this:

Another student and I from my building chatted about it for a while as I was taking pictures. We suspect somebody threw suds in there as a prank. I, personally, think it's hilarious, while my cohort thought it was insensitive. We thus parted ways (metaphorically at least; we continued walking in the same direction up to our respective apartments, which are, awkwardly, across the hall from each other).

Even though I have no set plan for blogging today and nothing to talk about in particular, I promised myself I would do it. And so I am.

A friend from my program and I went out to supper after class last night. I find my eating schedule is very wonky here, especially on the days when I don't have day classes. Our class was over at 21:00, and because we had both not eaten supper, we decided to try out the Marine Drive Residence restaurant, the Point Grill. We both had salads, which were amazing, and it was really nice to experience getting to know somebody in a completely unadulterated way.

What I mean is: usually I meet people through other people - work, church, school, volunteering, etc. Friends of friends become my friends. As I'm meeting people here, all we have in common is circumstance, so it is really luck of the draw whether you meet someone who you'll like after a few conversations. Thea and I had some really great conversation, and it felt so good to talk honestly with someone and not feel the need to put on the usual adornments with which one decorates their conversation when first meeting someone.

I like the people in my program. There's only six of us beginning this year, but everyone has the same passion for reading and for child lit, and when we get a dialogue about images or authors or themes going, it reminds me why I love academia.

A demain,


Kenmore said…
The fountain thing is hilarious. Could that count as a positive prank, I wonder?
Aunt Janis said…
I love the fountain ! When i was a juvenile, yes,my cohorts & I put bubble-bath into the Holiday Inn fountain on West St. We then hid in the hedge across the street to watch. It was magic ! The hotel bar & restaurant patrons inside the windows were bedazzled...mountains of bubbles (over colored flood lights ), drifted up into the summer sky ..just magical.It was insensitive to no one, & probably cleaned the bugs, bird poop, etc..out of the fountain !! Your self-rightous neighbour across the hall could use a bottle of bubbles & a blower ! Good to hear you're meeting new friends, eating once in a while, watching Russian movies & enjoying your academic circle. My faithful dog & I await the next Post....( Rusty has a "thing" for the post !)
Aunt Janis said…
I love the fountain ! When I was a juvenile, yes, my cohorts & I put bubble-bath into the Holiday Inn fountain on West St. We then hid in the hedge across the street to was magical ! The bar & restaurant patrons next to the windows were bedazzled ..mountains of bubbles (colored by flood lights underneath ), floated up into the summer WAS magical. Your neighbour, of self-rightous descent, really needs a bottle of bubbles & blower ! Good to hear your talking to strangers, AND going out to eat with them ! I mean , good to hear your meeting new friends, eating once in a while, keeping an eye on the Russians, & enjoying your academic circle. My faithful dog & I await the next Post . (Rusty has a "thing" for the post !!)
Moulie said…
How's the fountain today?
I like the fountain! and I like friends.

Also... you must be getting to eat at a lot of fun restaurants. I am jealous. Also it mmust be nice to be rich like that. =)


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