Behind the Curtain: My Writing Process
Every year I promise myself I won't get in this mess like I did last year. Every year there's 2 weeks left of the term and I reach maximum stress levels, send frantic (and unnecessary) emails to profs, consume triple the amount of coffee, and have restless nights peppered with disturbing dreams where my computer has lost all my files or the paper is not actually about narrative complexity but consumption of social media in China and I have 35 hours to research and rewrite. Every year. Here is a glimpse into how my days look in these final moments of the term. 5:45 - Alarm goes off. Hit snooze. 5:50 - Open eyes in a panic that I will sleep through the snooze alarm. Get up. Turn off alarm. 5:52 - Shower. Sometimes quietly sing a Christmas tune (as not to wake sleeping roommates), but more often not. Spend time groggily and exhaustedly think about what I have to do today. 6:10 - Get dressed. Usually wear some variation of novelty tshirt, cardigan, and scarf. 6:13 -